EXO-M - Mama lyrics

Posted by Purnama Sticker on Selasa, 29 Mei 2012 | 0 komentar

Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous
Heartless, mindless. No one, who care about me?

失落的感 在乎只有忍耐
Shi luo de gan jue Shei zai hu zhi you ren nai
A feeling of loss, who cares? You can only bear with it

我再也无法接受 上了
Wo zai ye wu fa jie shou Bi shang le shuang yan
I can’t take it anymore, I close my eyes


可不可以 的不一
Ke bu ke yi qing gao su wo Wei shen me ren hui bian de bu yi yang
Can you please tell me why people change

Na xie ting shuo guo de mei li ri zi shi zhen de cun zai guo ma
Have those beautiful days I heard of before really ever existed?

Zao jiu wang le ying gai yao geng nu li ai zhe ta
I already forgot long ago that I should have loved her even more

Zao jiu wang le xin qu bao rong ta
I long ago forgot that my heart tolerated her

Zi gu zi de sheng huo shi fou jia zhuang ji xu mang
Living life just minding ourselves, are we going to keep pretending to be busy?

Yin xing zai ni de mian ju bei hou chong man xu duo de biao qing
Invisible behind your mask, your face is full of many expressions

到最后却始如一 的更好
Dao zui hou que shi zhong ru yi Zhen de geng hao ma
But being the same until the end, is that really better?

这样 不再看彼此的眼神
Wo men yao zhe yang Bu zai kan bi ci de yan shen ma
Are we going to be like this, never looking into each other’s eyes again?

不再讲话吗 不再说你爱
Bu zai dui wo jiang hua ma Bu zai shuo ni ai wo ma
Will you never speak to me again? Never say you love me again?

就算受了    也如雨的下
Jiu suan shou le shang Yan lei ye ru yu de xia
Even if I get hurt and my tears fall like the rain

就能解答 就能到
Gai bian jiu neng jie da Gai bian jiu neng dao da
Change will bring an answer, change will let you reach your goals

Mama Mama
Gao su wo Mama Mama
Tell me, Mama Mama

Dou wang le shen me shi hou kai shi wo men bei guan zai cong ming li tou
I’ve forgotten since when we’ve been trapped by our intelligence

Wo de shi jie zhi zai ling he yi de zhi zuo zhong du guo
My world is just passing through the making of 0 and 1

沒有生命力 沒感情 每天毫无根据
Mei you sheng ming li Mei gan qing Mei tian hao wu gen ju
I have no will to live, no feelings; every day lacks foundation

越久就更寂寞 只有自己受难过
Yue jiu jiu geng ji mo Zhi you zi ji shou shang he nan guo
I get lonelier as time passes; I’m just causing myself pain and sorrow

相遇和 感受和笑容
Xiang yu he qian shou Gan shou lei he xiao rong
Meeting and holding hands, I experience tears and a smile

近的 们开心感 可能回
Yue tie jin de pin lü Wo men kai xin gan ying Ke neng hui lai ma
The times we were close, when we were happy together, could they come back?

Yin xing zai ni de mian ju bei hou chong man xu duo de biao qing
Invisible behind your mask, your face is full of many expressions

到最后却始如一 这样真的更好
Dao zui hou que shi zhong ru yi Zhe yang Zhen de geng hao ma
But being the same until the end, is this way really better?

这样 不再看彼此的眼神
Wo men yao zhe yang Bu zai kan bi ci de yan shen ma
Are we going to be like this, never looking into each other’s eyes again?

不再讲话吗 不再说你爱
Bu zai dui wo jiang hua ma Bu zai shuo ni ai wo ma
Will you never speak to me again? Never say you love me again?

就算受了    也如雨的下
Jiu suan shou le shang Yan lei ye ru yu de xia
Even if I get hurt and my tears fall like the rain

就能解答 就能到
Gai bian jiu neng jie da Gai bian jiu neng dao da
Change will bring an answer, change will let you reach your goals

Mama Mama
Gao su wo Mama Mama
Tell me, Mama Mama

Turn back!

最后我怒吼 我狂奔 我回
Zui hou wo nu hou Wo kuang ben Wo hui wen
In the end I bellow, I run wildly, I warm up

Bu xiang yao shi jie bian de leng
I don’t want the world to become cold

请帮帮 Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back
Qing bang bang wo Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back
Please help me Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back

 Mama Mama Mama Mama rolling back
Ga su wo Mama Mama Mama Mama rolling back
Tell me, Mama Mama Mama Mama rolling back

追逐 失控 冷漠
Zhui zhu Shi kong Kan shei dou hen leng mo
Chasing, losing control, everyone looks cold and indifferent

You xi bu hui zhe yang zuo
The game isn’t played this way

请帮帮 Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back
Qing bang bang wo Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back Yeah~
Please help me Mama Mama Mama Mama turn back Yeah~

Careless, careless (Mama) Shoot anonymous, anonymous (Mama)
Heartless, mindless (Mama) No one, who care about me? (Mama)

受到了祝福 我能感的快
Yin wei shou dao le zhu fu Wo neng gan jue dao zhen de kuai le
Because I received blessings, I can feel true happiness

Duo xiang yao mei tian ren shi geng duo de ren
I want to get to know even more people each day

把碎了的心重 只要有
Ba sui le de xin chong wen Zhi yao you ai de dan chun
I’ll revive my shattered heart, as long as I have the simplicity of love

Zhao hui wo yuan ben xiao rong li de zhen
I’ll find my original, genuine smile again

这样 不再看彼此的眼神
Wo men yao zhe yang Bu zai kan bi ci de yan shen ma
Are we going to be like this, never looking into each other’s eyes again?

不再讲话吗 不再说你爱
Bu zai dui wo jiang hua ma Bu zai shuo ni ai wo ma
Will you never speak to me again? Never say you love me again?

就算受了    也如雨的下
Jiu suan shou le shang Yan lei ye ru yu de xia
Even if I get hurt and my tears fall like the rain

就能解答 就能到
Gai bian jiu neng jie da Gai bian jiu neng dao da
Change will bring an answer, change will let you reach your goals

Mama Mama
Gao su wo Mama Mama
Tell me, Mama Mama

Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous
Heartless, mindless. No one, who care about me?

Credit: lilpinkfrog

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